Editorial Committee


The primary function of the Editorial Committee is to edit the chapter’s monthly magazine, Community Trends®, the official medium of communication for the chapter. The magazine contains columns, announcements and articles of information, analysis and informed opinions, which will reflect the interests of the three Membership Representation Groups (MRGs) of CAI. The committee is responsible for soliciting, reviewing and editing all articles for publication in Community Trends®, while maintaining the professionalism of the organization. It shall be the duty of this committee to meet on a monthly basis to assess the previous issues and coordinate the articles for upcoming issues. The Editorial Committee shall work closely with CAI-NJ staff in the execution of its responsibilities.

CAI-NJ staff will be responsible for collecting the articles for the committee.

To learn more about our monthly magazine, please click here.

2024 Committee Listing:

Chair – Drew Podolski, Esq.

Vice Chair – Casey Sky Noon

Robert Arnone, MSRE, CMCA, AMS

Robert Basch, EBP

David Cerquiera, Esq.

David Dockery, Esq.

Damon Kress, Esq.

Nicole Martone, CMCA, AMS, PCAM

Michael Mezzo, CPA, MBA

Steven Morris, PE, RS

Andrew Newman,  CMCA, AMS, PCAM

Board Liaisons:

Mary Barrett, Esq.

CAI-NJ Liaison:

Brooke Stoppiello-Nevins