CAI-NJ has been working with both Senator Shirley Turner (D – Mercer) and Assemblyman Jerry Green (D – Union) on reforms that would address the concerns tackled in this bill without the one-size-fits-all approach in S-1938, which we have consistently opposed. With the hard work of our volunteers on the Legislative Action Committee, and the support of Assemblyman Green, CAI-NJ is proposing a nine bill package that should accomplish this goal in a much more pragmatic and effective fashion.
As introduced, S-1938 would enact 58 pages of one-size-fits-all rules for common interest communities, covering everything from records requests, board elections, to association bylaws and beyond. By breaking the bill down to nine key elements, CAI-NJ hopes—over time—to enact many of the reforms the legislature unsuccessfully sought in the previous UCIOA and CARA efforts.