Foreclosure Reform

CAI-NJ has been working with a number of legislators, most notably Senator Ronald Rice (D – Essex) and Assemblyman Carmelo Garcia (D – Hudson) on foreclosure reforms that should help our member communities deal with abandoned properties and association fee delinquencies.  Amongst the several proposals under consideration are:

  • A statewide task force, consisting of representatives from CAI-NJ, the Bankers Association, and the Realtors Association amongst others, charged with making recommendations to assist lawmakers develop a comprehensive response to the foreclosure crisis;
  • An process for expediting uncontested foreclosures;
  • Legislation allowing for rent receivership statewide;
  • A uniform process for the recording of deeds so Associations know who is responsible for foreclosed properties;
  • Requiring lenders to assume responsibility for the maintenance of properties and association fees upon foreclosures.

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