Community Trends®

Community Trends® Magazine

This award-winning monthly publication is the industry’s “must read” magazine. Covering an array of topics, Community Trends® gives members the latest tools to address community association issues. All articles are authored by industry professionals to help you stay abreast of trends that affect your community.

Community Trends® is available to our members through the link below and emailed to the membership each month.

In order to view the most recent issues of our monthly magazine, you must be a current CAI-NJ member. Click either of the magazine images above and first login to the members-only side of our website, where you will access the link to each issue. Should you have any trouble logging in, please reach out to Archives of previous issues are available to everyone on our website via the link to the library below.

For more information, please contact

Write for Community Trends® Magazine

CAI-NJ and the Editorial Committee are always looking for new articles to publish in Community Trends.®

One of CAI’s major strengths is the willingness of its volunteer members to contribute their time and share their knowledge and experience. Nowhere is that willingness more important or more noticeable than in the area of CAI publications.

Our own chapter magazine is an example of this sharing by our members. Everything that is printed, despite the diversity of the subject matter, has the same goal: to share with other CAI members information that will help them better serve the community.

All articles are reviewed by the Editorial Committee. We recommend that articles contain no less than 500 words, but no more than 1,500 words. Articles should be written in third person, eliminating the use of “I”, “we,” “me,” “my,” and “our.” CAI retains the right to edit articles to conform to content space requirements. Upcoming themes are below, however, we welcome articles across all themes and topics that benefit community associations and businesses.

If you are interested in submitting an article for possible inclusion in Community Trends®, please contact Brooke Stoppiello-Nevins at 609-588-0030 or

Upcoming Themes & Deadlines

May 2025: The Art of Associations (Due March 15)

June 2025: Polished and Proud (Due April 15)

July 2025: Sports (Due May 15)

August 2025: Leaders in the Industry  (Due June 15)

September 2025: Legislative Update (Due July 15)

October 2025: Conference & Expo (Due August 1)

November 2025: Topic TBD (Due September 15)

December 2025: Year End Wrap Up (Due October 15)

January 2026: Board Basics (Due November 15)

Request for Printed Community Trends® Copies

Community Trends® is sent digitally each month to current CAI-NJ Members, as well as available through links above. Interested in printed copies? We would be happy to send them upon request. Printed magazine copies are $9.50 an issue + shipping/handling. 

If you would like to receive a printed copy of one (1) or up to 12 issues of the magazine, please fill out the following request form. Someone will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you!