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CAI-NJ is known for having the most active committee members out of all of the CAI chapters.
There’s good reason for this. Engaged members get the most out of their membership, for themselves, for their careers, and for the communities they serve. Some of the specific benefits include:
Joining a committee is easy. CAI-NJ members in good standing are welcome to apply every October to serve for the following calendar year. Should you join mid-year and are interested in joining a committee, please contact Robin Surgent at Robin@cainj.org or 609-588-0030. Three of CAI-NJ’s committees are dedicated exclusively to Homeowner Leaders, Managers and Business Partners. There are several other committees that require the input of all membership groups.
And you’re not alone. Dozens of members serve on committees. Each committee is supported by one or more dedicated CAI-NJ staff. Through the teamwork of professionals and volunteers, CAI-NJ committees are instrumental in the success and growth of the chapter.
We can’t thank our current committee members enough for their hard work, dedication and service to the chapter!
The CAI-NJ standing committee appointments are made by the President-Elect in October prior to his/her term of office and are reported to the membership prior to the Chapter Retreat in December. The Chapter President and the Chapter Executive Director are ex officio members of all
committees. Committee appointments are made for a one-year term. Replacements and substitutions are permitted on committees at the discretion of the President and Committee Chair.